Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/407

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out into a wilderness, and there fell asleep;

but a shining angel of God quickly aroused him,

and bade him arise and refresh himself;

he saw there lying a snow-white cake (baked on the hearth),

and a little vessel full of water, when he awakened.

Then he ate and drank, and again fell asleep,

but the angel aroused him a second time, and said,

'Arise quickly and eat, thou hast a very long journey.'

He again ate and drank, and went by help of that meat

forty days together without any food.

There was a certain thane called Naboth, who had a vineyard

hard by the king's palace; then said the king to him,

'Give me thy vineyard for a herb-garden,

and I will at least find thee another farther off,

or I will acquire it for money, because it is handy to me.'

Then said Naboth to him that he could not let go

his ancestors' inheritance so lightly into his hands.

Then the king became angry, "and went to his bed

and turned him to the wall, madly enraged.

Then Jezebel went to him, and said,

'Why art thou sad and wilt not eat?'

Then said the wicked [one] to his evil wife,

how he longed for the vineyard, and Naboth refused him.

Then Jezebel soothed the unrighteous man, and said,

'Arise and refresh thyself with confident mind,

I will give thee the vineyard which thou desiredst.'

Then Jezebel straightway sent a letter

to Naboth's neighbours, with this proclamation,

'Hold ye a meeting and set Naboth in the midat,

even your neighbour, and bid false witnesses

accuse him in your assembly thus:

Naboth, to our knowledge, hath cursed God