Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/493

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and all their household as well, some three hundred men,

and many of the heathen received the faith.

However Rufus the father, on account of the emperor's severity,

durst not openly confess that he believed in the Lord,

but he secretly loved the faithful bishop,

and ministered to him with food, and his daughter was consecrated

to God's service, and continued a virgin.

Then Apollinaris was accused to the emperor,

and led to the torture, and in the torture he confessed

the Saviour's name, and a certain heathen man,

who the most fiercely opposed him, straightway went mad,

and ended his life by an evil death.

Then the Christians wished to defend the saint,

and massacred, of the heathen, some two hundred men ;

then the judge commanded men to load the faithful bishop

into a blind prison, and to keep him in bonds,

and to deny him food, so that he might be famished.

But God's angel came to the man of God by night,

and fed him, and by his words encouraged

all the onlookers, who were [standing] around.

Then on the fourth day the aforesaid judge commanded

to put the saint in heavier chains,

and to carry him afar by ship into exile.

There was a certain nobleman horribly leprous,

and the bishop asked him, 'Wilt thou be made whole '

He said, 'I will,' and the holy bishop answered him,

' Believe in Jesus Christ; ' and the heathen answered him,

'If He healeth me. He shall be my God and Saviour,'

Apollinaris then touched the diseased leper

in the name of Jesus, and immediately he was made whole,

while he was calling on Christ's name to aid him.

Then the healed man cast away his heathenism from him,

and believed on Jesus, and with faith was baptized.

It befell after a time that the unbelieving heathen