Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/107

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until they overcame them, and took the city,

and killed Timotheus, there where he had crept in,

and his brother together, with the sword's edge.

After these deeds, they thanked the Lord

with songs of praise and confessions of all the wonders

that He for the Jews did very often,

and gave them the victory; and then journeyed home.

If any one now should wonder how it might happen

that angels should ride on apparelled horses,

then let him know soothly that everywhere say to us

the holy books of God, that may not be false,

that angels oft came certainly to men

as riding upon horses, even as we have here related.

The Jews were the dearest to God

in the old law, because they alone honoured

the Almighty God with worship continually;

until Christ, God's son, was Himself conceived

of human nature, of the Jewish kin,

of Mary the maiden, without human father.

Then would not some (of them) believe that He was Very God,

but laid snares for His life, even as He Himself permitted.

There were however many good men of that nation,

both in the old law, and eke in the new.

patriarchs and prophets, and holy apostles,

and many thousands that follow Christ,

although some remain froward until now.

They shall, however, all finally believe,

but there shall perish too many, in the period between,

for their hardheartedness against the heavenly Saviour.