Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/135

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and lay in bed very severely afflicted,

until some one fetched to him, from the aforesaid cross,

some part of the moss with which it was overgrown,

and the sick [man] was forthwith healed in sleep

I in the same night, through Oswald's merits.

The place is called Heayenfield in English,

near the long wall which the Romans built,

where Oswald overcame the cruel king.

And afterward there was reared a very famous church

to the honour of God who liveth for ever

Well then! Oswald began to enquire concerning the will of God

as soon as he obtained sovereignty, and desired to convert

his people to the faith and to the living God.

Then he sent to Scotland where the faith was then,

and prayed the chief men that they would grant his requests,

and send him some teacher who might allure

his people to God, and this was granted him.

Then they sent straightway to the blessed king

a certain venerable bishop, named Aidan.

He was a very famous man in the monastic way of life,

I and he had cast away all worldly cares from his heart,

desiring nothing but God's will.

Whatever came to him of the king's gifts,

or [of those] of rich men, that he quickly distributed

to the poor and needy with benevolent mind.

Lo then! Oswald the king rejoiced at his coming,

and honourably received him as a benefit to his people,

that their faith might be turned again to God

from the apostasy to which they had been turned.

It befell then that this believing king

explained to his counsellors in their own language

the bishop's preaching with glad mind,