Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/267

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wishing to drink after the bishop's blessing.

Martin then drank, and gave to his mass-priest

the half part of the liquor which was in the goblet,

because he knew that he was worthiest

to drink after him; and they all wondered thereat,

and magnified his resolution throughout all the household.

Then he told the emperor, even as it happened to him afterwards,

that if he went to battle, as he intended,

against Valentinian whom he had before banished

from his kingdom, that victory would come to him,

but after a little space he would fall slain;

and it befell him even as Martin had prophesied to him.

He went after that to fight against that emperor,

and in the first assault he put Valentinian to flight;

but after about a year s space he came upon Maximus

within a city called Aquileia,

and there slew him, and afterward succeeded to his kingdom.

XXII. Once Martin was journeying to Valentinian the emperor,

wishing to speak with him for some needful cause;

but his proud mind and his wicked consort,

who lived heretically in the Arian heresy,

would not permit the holy bishop

to have entrance to announce his errand;

but the impious man bade men lock him out,

because he knew that he would ask that

which he would not grant, and insulted the saint.

Then came Martin again about the same business

to the haughty emperor, but they shut him out;

and he thereupon turned to his accustomed resource;

he clothed himself with haircloth, and strewed himself with ashes,

and continued fasting with unceasing prayers,

until a shining angel came to him

on the seventh day, and bade him go to the emperor;

and every gate should be open before him,

and the haughty emperor's mind should be softened.