Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/283

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XXIX. Martin was going with his monks one day

towards the church in winter-time;

then came there towards him a poor man half naked,

begging earnestly that he would give him some clothing.

Then Martin bade his archdeacon straightway

that he should without delay clothe the poor man,

and went after his wont into the parlour,

and there remained alone until he was to say mass.

But the archdeacon would not clothe the poor man;

and the poor man stole in to Martin,

and bemoaned to him that he was very cold.

Then Martin immediately unclothed himself

under his chasuble secretly, and put his own raiment

on the poor man, and bade him go out.

Then after a little space the archdeacon came

and said that it was time that he should go into church

to say mass for the people and do honour to God.

Then Martin said to him that he could not go

so soon to church before the poor man was clothed,

and the archdeacon did not perceive that he within his chasuble

there sat naked; and said that he did not know

where the poor man was. And thereupon Martin said,

'Let the garment be brought quickly hither to me;

it will be no trouble to us to clothe a poor man.'

Then the archdeacon being angry went

and brought a garment impatiently to him,

mean and little, bought with little cost,

and with great ire laid it at his feet and said;

' Here is a garment, and here is no poor man.'

Then the holy man was not ruffled by his words,

but bade him wait for him there outside some while,

desiring that he should not know that he was naked;

then he clothed himself with the same garment,

and went to church and at once said mass.

At the very same mass three of the monks,