Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/365

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spake to her bridegroom and thus allured him to God.

' Oh thou, my dear husband, I say to thee with love,

I have God's angel who holdeth me in love,

and if thou pollute me he will quickly turn to thee

and will slay thee in anger, that thou wilt soon cease to live.

If then thou lovest me, and without evil continuest

in pure virginity, then Christ will love thee,

and will manifest His grace to thyself even as to me.'

Then the youth was afraid, and said to the maiden,

'Cause that I myself see the angel,

if thou wilt that I should believe thy words concerning this;

and if another man is more familiar with thee than I,

him will I slay, and thee together with him.'

Then said Caecilia, 'If thou believest in Christ

and wilt be baptized from former sins,

thou mayest soon see the shining angel.'

Then again Valerian answered the maiden,

'Who might now baptize me thus suddenly,

that I might see the shining angel? '

The woman then instructed the youth so long a while

that at last he believed on the living God,

and went to the pope who was full nigh at hand,

called Urban, and besought baptism of him.

Then the pope rejoiced that he had bowed to God,

and prayed Almighty God, of His clemency,

to direct the youth that he might become a believer.

Lo then! suddenly before their sight

came God's angel with a golden writing,

and Valerian fell affrighted to the earth.

Then the angel raised him, and bade him read

the golden letters which God had sent to him.

In the writing were set these words,

Unus deus, una fides, unum baptisma:

' There is one Almighty God, and one Faith,