Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/403

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upon a rack, and with candles burn

both his sides. Then the rack burst asunder

with all its machinery, and the candles were extinguished.

So also the other men who sought to injure

the holy Daria, the Lord prevented them,

so that their sinews shrunk immediately,

whosoever touched her, that they cried out for pain.

Whereupon Celerinus, the vicious prefect,

was seized with terror, and went to the emperor,

and related to him in order the wonderful signs.

Then Numerianus, the wicked emperor,

attributed it to sorcery, not to the Lord's tokens,

and commanded men to bring both the saints together

to a sandpit, and set them therein,

and cast upon them earth and wrought stones.

So they were both buried alive,

as the emperor had commanded, and they with chastity departed

from the world to glory, to dwell with Christ.

There were performed many miracles through God,

and the people reverenced the wonderful saints,

and frequently went thither with faith.

Then it befell after a time, when the people went thither

to the great cave where the martyrs lay,

that the emperor commanded men to build a wall

at the cave's entrance, that they might not come out,

and bade men cast down the rock suddenly upon them,

that they all together gave up the ghost,

crushed by the earth; and they reign with God

in everlasting life, slain for their faith.

We venerate God's saints; but know ye, nevertheless,

that the saints have no need of our praise in this life,

but that which we say concerning them profiteth ourselves;

first, for an example, that we may be the better;

and again, for intercession, when we are in need.

There was a great persecution when they were martyred,