Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/41

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of the holy mother of God, and saying: "O lady, queen of all the earth, through thee came salvation to all mankind; do not forsake me." Thus saying, I went out from the vestibule of the temple, and went hastily onward. Then I met a certain man who gave me three pence, wherewith I bought for myself three loaves, which I considered sufficient subsistence as provision for my journey. Then I asked the man of whom I bought the loaves, which was the way that led most directly towards the river Jordan. As soon as I knew about the way, I ran continually, still weeping, upon my journey, continually adding enquiry to enquiry [see footnote]; and so fulfilled the day's journey weeping. Verily it was the undern-tide of the day when I [first] desired to see the holy worshipful Rood; and now the sun was declining towards its setting, and the even-tide approached. Then I arrived at the church of St. John the Baptist, built beside the Jordan, and went in thither, and there prayed. Soon after, I went down into the river Jordan and washed my hands and face with the holy water, and then participated in the quickening and pure mysteries of our Lord Jesus Christ in the same church of St. John, the holy forerunner and baptist. There also I eat a half part of one loaf, and drank of the water, and lodged there at night, and then, early in the morning, crossed over the river. Then began I to pray once more to my guide, the holy Mary, that she would direct me according to her will. So came I into this wilderness, and until this present day I have kept apart thence [i.e. from the world], ever fleeing and awaiting my God, and rejoicing [in Him], who saves from the terror of this world all that turn to Him.'

Zosimus said to her: ' O my lady, how many years hast thou now dwelt in this wilderness? ' The woman answered him, ' It