Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/421

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Then arose the sick wondrously healed,

glorifying the Almighty and His venerable apostle.

Lo, then Thomas mounted on a stone, and stood

that they might all of them see him at once,

and cried aloud, and said to the people:

' Hearken now, all; the Saviour sent me

hither to this country, and I am His servant,

a man even as ye are, and He sent me to the end

that I might teach you how ye should altogether

forsake the shameful gods, and turn with faith

to your Creator who alone is true God,

and will keep those who believe on Him.'

So for a long time he taught the people the faith,

and how they should eschew sins and disgraceful deeds,

and how they should continue in good works.

He said again to the multitude who were in the assembly:

' I am no God, but am God's servant;

Take your money which ye desired to give me,

and deal it to the poor for the Lord's love,

and be ready for baptism with full faith.'

Then they quickly did so, and on the Sunday

were baptized into Christ fourteen thousand,

besides women and children who were not counted.

Then was the holy Thomas again directed by God

that he should go to the farther India,

and went thither, and performed miracles.

He healed there with God's help halt and blind,

and all infirmities and the horrible lepers,

and drave out devils, and raised the dead.

The country folk could not gainsay his teaching

when he wrought such wonders in their very presence.

There was a certain women called Syntyche, who had been six years blind,

and was then healed by the holy apostle,