Page:Agreement relating to Malaysia (1963).djvu/77

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Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités

15. Unincorporated societies.
16. Charities and charitable trusts and institutions in the State (that is to say, operating wholly within, or created and operating in, the State) and their trustees, including the incorporation thereof and the regulation and winding-up of incorporated charities and charitable institutions in the State.
17. Newspapers ; publications ; publishers ; printing and printing presses.
18. Censorship.
19. Theatres ; cinemas ; cinematograph films ; places of public amusement.
20. Until the end of August, 1968, and thereafter until Parliament with the concurrence of the State government otherwise provides, elections to the Legislative Assembly.

Fifth Schedule
Special Grants to Borneo States

1. (1) In the case of Sarawak a grant of $5,800,000 in each year.
(2) In the case of Sarawak, a grant of which the amount in 1964 and each of the four following years shall be respectively $31/2m., $7m., $111/2m., $16m. and $21m., and in later years shall be fixed on a review under Article 112E.
2. (1) In the case of Sabah, a grant of an amount equal in each year to two-fifths of the amount by which the net revenue derived by the Federation from Sabah exceeds the net revenue which would have been so derived in the year 1963 if—
(a) the Malaysia Act had been in operation in that year as in the year 1964 ; and
(b) the net revenue for the year 1963 were calculated without regard to any alteration of any tax or fee made on or after Malaysia Day;
(" net revenue " meaning for this purpose the revenue which accrues to the Federation, less the amounts received by the State in respect of assignments of that revenue).
(2) In the case of Sabah, for any year before 1968 in which the State road grant is less than $5,179,500, a supplement to that grant of an amount equal to the deficiency.
3. In either case, for any year before 1974 and, if at the beginning of 1974 the Legislature of the State has power to make laws with respect to the carriage of passengers and goods by land or to mechanically propelled road vehicles, then during the continuance of that power, a grant equal to the cost to the State in the year of the State road transport department.

Additional Sources of Revenue Assigned to Borneo States

1. Import duty and excise duty on petroleum products.
2. Export duty on timber and other forest produce.
3. So long as the royalty levied by the State on any mineral chargeable with export duty other than tin (but including mineral oils) does not amount to 10 per cent ad valorem calculated as for export duty, export duty on that mineral or such part of the export duty as makes the total of royalty and duty on exported mineral up to 10 per cent ad valorem so calculated.

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