Page:Agricultural Progress - Drainage.djvu/14

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furnish sufficient grounds for imparting a fresh and vigorous impulse to the draining of land. The present indeed is a most suitable time, as money is so abundant that it can scarcely find employment, while, from the almost total cessation in the constructing of railroads, labourers were never more plentiful.

Adding to the undrained area above referred to, the extensive breadth of undrained land in Scotland and Ireland, the large reclaimable mountain area, the wide tracts of convertible forest and moor land, and the very large area reclaimable from the sea, and from the straitening and embanking of rivers, we see that the undeveloped food resources of Great Britain are still vast, and tend in no small degree to brighten future prospects.

Westminster: Printed by Nichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street.