Page:Aids to the Pronunciation of Irish - Christian Brothers.djvu/123

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tlás, weakness, 23.

tluġ, a tongs, 23.

tobac, tobacco, 58.

tobar, a well, 52 (1).

toġa, choice, 64.

tóg. lift, 33.

tógann, (he) lifts, 58.

tógṫa, lifted, raised, 127 (a).

toice, a hussy, 96 (c)

toil, will, 96 (c).

ṫoir, in the east, 96 (b).

Tomás, Thomas, 52 (3).

toṁas, measure, 65.

tonn, a wave, 66, 75.

tonnta, waves, 66, 75.

tor, bush, 33.

ṫórsa, over them, 74.

traen, a train, 106.

tráṫnóna, evening, 144.

trí, three, 126.

triall, travelling, 110.

tríd, through (the), 33.

triuċ, whooping cough, the club (in cards), 101.

troid, fight, 96 (c).

troidtear, people fight, 129.

troiġ, a foot, 96 (c).

trom, heavy, 64.

, thou, 33.

tuairim, conjecture, 12 (g).

ṫug, gave, 33.

tugann (he) gives, 58.

tugṫa, given, 127 (a).

tuig, understand, 89 (a).

tuigsint, understanding, 144.

tuigsionaċ, intelligent, 144.

tuile, a flood, 89 (a).

tuinn, dat. of tonn, a wave, 72.

tuinne, of a wave, 75.

tuirling, descend, 132.

tuirse, weariness, 74.

tuit, fall, 89.

tusa, thyself, 77.

Uaċtar, surface, cream, 111.

uaiġ, a grave, 117 (a).

uair, an hour, a time, 117.

uasal, noble, 111.

uḃall, an apple, 69.

uḃla, apples, 69.

úd, that, yonder, 33.

uḋaċt, testament, 69.

uġdar, an author, 69.

uġdarṫás, authority, 69.

uġmuiġim, I harness, 69.

uird, of a sledge-hammer, 73

uisce, water, 89.

ullṁuġaḋ, preparing, 63.

uṁa, copper, brass, 69.

uṁal, submissive, 69.

uṁalóid, submission, humility, 69.

uṁlaċt, submission, humility, 69.

umpa, about them,

úr, fresh, 33.

urċar, a shot, hurling of a stone, 144.

urla, hair of the head, 73.

urlaḃra, speech, 62 (a).

urlais, an implement, 69, 73.

urlár, a floor, 69, 73.

urnaiġe, a prayer, 69, 73.

ursa, a door jamb, 74.

Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd.