Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/104

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by to-morrow night," Tom added quickly. "We ought to spend just one night and a whole day in London, you know."

"I've always wanted to roam around the big city," Jack sighed, "but this is no time for sight-seeing, they say. London looks like a besieged city, and strangers have a pretty hard time getting around, being watched, and challenged wherever they go, especially if they look anything like Germans."

"I wonder how our friends Adolph Tuessig and Carl Potzfeldt will be able to move around London?" ventured Tom, as if a little amused at the thought.

"We don't know for certain whether Adolph was aboard our boat, do we?" Jack suggested.

"Well, we saw a man all muffled up come ashore, and take a taxi as soon as he could pass the customs officers. And somehow he seemed to strike me as just about as tall as Tuessig."

"I'm glad I had a chance to wave good-bye to Bessie Gleason. I wonder if we'll ever meet her again?"

"You never can tell. Queer things sometimes happen in this world. Neighbors who lived side by side for years in New York City and never even spoke to each other, have met face to face on the top of the pyramids. Yes,