Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/140

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fellow who, if he had his way, would be doing stunts in the air, and striking blows against the Kaiser. But, gee! that's foolish, and I suppose there is some honor about it. See here!"

He opened his coat and showed them a decoration which, modest fellow that he was, he had actually kept hidden out of sight.

"Why, that is the Croix de Guerre, and something anybody might be proud to wear! Do you mean to say they decorated you with it, Neal Kennedy?" gasped Jack, touching the emblem almost reverently, for he knew it was the hope of every French soldier to march home some day with such an embellishment on his breast.

"Oh, they seemed to think it was some sort of especial act of bravery, just because I drove my ambulance on the field while the shells were bursting around me and loaded up with some of the poor fellows, escaping by an inch when the Germans came rushing up. I just couldn't help it. I felt mean that day, as if I was being cheated out of all the fun."

"Shall we get aboard, and go along with you, Neal?" asked Tom, fearing lest by lingering there all of them were losing precious time.

"Sure thing, fellows," they were immediately