Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/16

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it contain something that hit you hard? I hope it won't interfere with the plans we've been making for going across to France."

"On the contrary," said Tom, soberly, "it may hasten my departure. You see, it gives me fresh reason to hate the cause of the Kaiser. But wait until we get to our room and I'll tell you all about the disaster that has given my father the worst blow of his whole life."

Jack felt more eager than ever to hear what his comrade had to say. His interest in everything that concerned Tom was almost as keen as though it had to do with his own fortunes. So as soon as they were comfortably seated in their room at a private house in the Virginia town, he turned an expectant face toward the other. His eager expression influenced Tom to keep his promise without delay.

"It concerns a certain invention on which father has been working night and day for nearly a year now," Tom began.

"Oh! That airplane stabilizer you once told me about?" quickly demanded the other.

"Yes, Jack. It baffled his utmost skill for a long time, but lately he believed he had found the great secret that would make airplanes almost as safe to use as motor cars on the public highways."

"You always said he was bound to get it