Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/182

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"I'm bringing you good news, Jack!"

It was just two days after Jack had expressed himself as "just dying for active service of some sort," that Tom burst in upon him with these words.

Jack was finishing dressing for an ascent, as he had been detailed to accompany the grizzled old sergeant on a little observation trip. He looked up with a glad light on his now tanned face.

"A letter from mother, is it?" he demanded, extending his hand.

"Mail isn't in yet for to-day " the other told him. "Guess again."

"You don't mean to tell me you've met Bessie—Oh, shucks! that would be an impossibility, seeing that this is the fighting front, where no women save Red Cross nurses are allowed to visit. Then it must be we're to accompany the next bombing raiders who are starting out!"

"Your last shot struck the target plumb center, Jack!"