Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/205

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"I wish it would, but I know better,'" was the reply. "Listen, Jack! We must keep moving along until dawn comes. Then, if the coast seems clear, we've got to drop down and make a landing."

"Oh! If we do that it's all up with us, and we'll be bound for a German prison camp on our first outing trip."

"I hope not," the pilot replied instantly. "My object is to try to run across a supply of gasolene and commandeer it. It's a toss-up whether we can find any, with the country drained so well by the military authorities. It's also hit and miss whether we run smack into a bunch of Boches as soon as we land. But there seems to be no other way."

"Well, I haven't any better suggestion to offer, so go ahead. Give your orders, and I'll obey."