Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/26

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"It must be good news, Tom, this time!" he ejaculated.

"Well, it is, for a fact!" shouted the other in excitement. "We're booked to sail on the twelfth! Here are our instructions to be on hand the preceding evening, ready to start!"

Impulsive Jack threw his arms around his chum, and actually gave him a bearish hug. It was plain to be seen that the greatest ambition of his life was on the point of being gratified, and he was correspondingly happy.

"Then perhaps within two weeks or so we may be standing on French soil, and dropping in at that wonderful aviation school at Pau, about which, since coming here, we've heard so much from Lieutenant Carson. Won't the other fellows be envious though, when they learn about our great good luck? Hurrah!"