Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/37

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within reach, and then hurried down to the front door.

His father called to him as he descended the stairs.

"Be careful of the dog, Tom! He's back in the yard and growling furiously. Speak to him as you go out. I'll join you shortly. I believe he must have the thief cornered somewhere."

That gave Tom a pleasant thrill, for he fully believed the man must be the same bold intruder who had stolen the paper from the safe on that former occasion. He had undoubtedly returned in hopes of securing another prize, and thus completing the object of his previous visit.

Swinging his baseball bat as he ran, Tom hastened around the house. The moon was hidden from view behind clouds, but for all that it was not dark, and Tom could see some object moving over in one corner of the back yard.

A rather high fence surrounded Mr. Raymond's property. Near the top of this Tom made out a struggling figure that he took to be a man. As he dashed forward and drew closer he discovered what it all meant.

The thief on being attacked by the bulldog had attempted to climb over the fence. Before he could draw himself wholly out of reach the animal had made an upward leap, and fastened those terrible teeth of his in the seat of the fellow's trousers as he hung suspended there.