Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/55

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"That's true enough," the other admitted. "But I've watched him when he thought I was dozing in my chair, and, Tom, he's keeping a precious close eye on you, I want to say."

"And why on me?" demanded Tom, looking surprised and interested. "Until this morning, when Bessie came up to me while I was looking over the rail and started to talk about our going across to France, I hadn't really exchanged a dozen sentences with the girl. Huh! if anybody should be watched I rather think his name might be Jack Parmly!"

"I don't know why he should seem so much interested in you," continued the other, "but it's a fact. Why, Tom, I chanced to see him speak to the girl just before she joined you this morning, and I give you my word it struck me the man was scolding Bessie, as if she had refused to do something he wanted of her. And then, with a look on her face that was close to reluctance, she walked over to where you stood, and spoke to you."

"Do you mean to say you believe Mr. Potzfeldt seemed to force his ward to enter into conversation with me, and perhaps get me to talking about our mission in France?" he exclaimed.

"Please don't speak quite so loud, Tom," urged his chum. "I give you my word that's