Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/70

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When shortly afterwards Tom entered their stateroom he looked around with no little concern, as well as secret amusement. Knowing that he had practically nothing to fear from thievery, he could afford to allow himself to be amused.

"Well, I should say that chap did toss my duds about with a vengeance," he told Jack, who followed him inside, and then hastily closed and fastened the door after him. "It looks as if a cyclone had struck my trunk and scattered every thing right and left regardless."

"Look and see if they took anything," Jack advised.

So the owner of the stuff proceeded to replace it once more in the small trunk that could be accommodated under one end of the lower berth, Jack's belongings in a similar receptacle taking up the remainder of the space.

"Everything seems to be accounted for," announced Tom, when he had gathered up all the clothing and such things as he carried with him to be used in his work as an aviator.

"That proves one thing," snapped Jack; "It wasn't any ordinary thief who entered this stateroom while we were on deck and searched your trunk. He was looking for something besides money or valuables. Say, he must have been pretty mad when he found he'd had all