Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/85

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"Hello, there, Tom, it is daylight at last, and we didn't meet a submarine in the night."

With these cheery words Jack crawled out of the lower berth, and at once began to feel his head.

Tom, in the upper bunk, stirred, and then pushed his head into view.

"How are you feeling this morning after your adventure, Jack?" he asked, with a vein of real solicitude in his voice.

"Pretty punk, to be honest about it," admitted the other, cringing when he pressed a trifle too hard on the swollen part of his head. "But that lump has subsided considerably, for which, thanks. Mebbe after all I can bear to have that new plaid cap on, by stretching it a bit. I hate to pay good money for a thing, and then not use it.

"How about telling the purser or the captain about what happened to me last night, Tom?" and Jack grew serious.

"I've been thinking it over, and concluded