Page:Alabama State Constitution of 1901.djvu/41

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tentiary for not less than one nor more than five years.

186. The Legislature shall provide by law for the registration, after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, of all qualified electors. Until the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, all electors shall be registered under and in accordance with the requirements of this section as follows:

First—Registration shall be conducted in each county by a board of three reputable and suitable persons resident in the county, who shall not hold any elective office during their term, to be appointed within sixty days after the ratification of this Constitution, by the Governor, Auditor and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, or by a majority of them acting as a board of appointment. If one or more of the persons appointed on such a board of registration shall refuse, neglect or be unable to qualify or serve, or if a vacancy or vacancies occur in the membership of the board of registrars from any cause, the Governor, Auditor and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, or a majority of them, acting as a board of appointment, shall make other appointments to fill such board. Each registrar shall receive two dollars per day, to be paid by the State, and disbursed by the several Judges of Probate, for each entire day's attendance upon the sessions of the board. Before entering upon the performance of the duties of his office, each registrar shall take the same oath required of the judicial officers of the State, which oath may be administered by any person authorized by law to administer oaths. The oath shall be in writing and subscribed by the registrar, and filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of the county.

Second—Prior to the first day of August, nineteen hundred and two, the Board of Registrars in each county shall visit each precinct at least once and oftener if necessary to make a complete registration of all persons entitled to register, and shall remain there at least one day from eight o'clock in the morning until sunset. They shall give at least twenty days' notice of the time when, and the place in the precinct where they will attend to register applicants for registration, by bills posted at five or more public places in each election precinct, and by advertisement once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper, if there be one published in the county. Upon failure to give such notice, or to attend any appointment made by them in any precinct, they shall, after like notice, fill new appointments therein; but the time consumed by the board in completing such registration shall not exceed sixty working days in any county, except that in counties of more than nine hundred square miles in area, such board may consume seventy-five working days in completing the registration, and except that in counties in which there is any city of eight thousand or more inhabitants, the board may