Page:Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.djvu/80

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to thee on the part of my lord the Amir Zein ul Asnam. He hath heard of thy learning and of the excellence of thy repute in the city and would fain become acquainted with thee and do that which behoveth unto thee; wherefore he hath presently sent me with these things and this money for thine expenses and hopeth of thee that thou wilt not blame him, inasmuch as this is little for thy worth, but hereafter, God willing, he will not fail of that which is due unto thee.” Aboubekr looked at [the coins and] at their impress and yellowness[1] and at the parcel of clothes and said to Mubarek, “O my lord, [I crave] pardon of thy lord the Amir, for that I am presently abashed before him[2] and it irketh me sore that I have not done my duty towards him;[3] but I hope of thee that thou wilt intercede with him on my behalf, so he may of his favour pardon me my default; and (the Creator willing) I will to-morrow do that which behoveth me and will go do my service to him[4]

  1. Netser ila necshetihim (lit. their image, cf. Scriptural “image and presentment”) wa szufretihim, i.e. he satisfied himself by the impress and the colour that they were dinars, i.e. gold.
  2. Lit. I am now become in confusion of or at him (lianneni alan szirtu fi khejaleh (properly khejleh) minhu). Burton, “for that I have been ashamed of waiting upon him.”
  3. Lit. “That which was incumbent on me to him.”
  4. Lit. “go to (or for) his service,” or, as we should say, “attend him.”