Page:Alaskan boundary tribunal (IA alaskanboundaryt01unit).pdf/51

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origin of which inland (*dans les terres’) they said was at the d6th degree of north latitude. and to the east the ehiain of mountains which followed at a very little distance the sinnosities.” The divergence hetweon the two statenients is fiftecn nautical miles,

In the second place. admitting for the suke of the aeyument, despite the affirmative evidence to the contrury. that the negotiators, ar some of them, were familiar with Vancouvers narniive. they must have known that it could onty be considered in connection with his charts which were the tinnl adjusted and authoritative stateruents of bis explorations, When the entire hody of evidence accessible to the Hevotiators is taken together, —that is to say the narrative andl charts of Vancouver und the maps and charts of all the other curtographer= published before 1s25,—ean it be held that the foregoing pitssiges from the narrative, should he beld to mminttio a conclusion se improbable. looking to the character of the two channels, Tf any doubt could remain in the inind as to the intention of the negotiators, certainty that doubt must be removed by the consensus of the cartowraphers who have spoken since [825 to the effect that Porthod Channel is really that one deserihbed in the American contention.

In reference to the map of Greenhow referred to in the British Case. p. oo where the statement is made that **he shows the water houudary running to the north of the islands. in accordance with the British contention.” sullice it to say that while the line drawn by hhn appears to run in that way, vet by reason of his very defective car- tography the mind remains in complete doubt as to the identity of the three islands, north of which his line is run! Inanswer to the further statement made at this point in the British Cause.” that * it is believed that no imap has been found showing any contrary indication till a comparitively late date” reference is made to the Arrowsmith map of 1833 (No. 12. American Athis) in whieh this famous ** Tydroer pher to His Majesty.” within eight years after the treaty was made, distinetly colored Wales and Pearce Tshinds as Russian territory. and to maps 14. 20 and 24 of the U.S. Atns,


If the maps and narrative of Vaneonver shall loth le looked to, wid if. on the whole evidence. there shall be a doubt as to what the newo- tintors meant, then the result shonld be controtled by the rule of inter-

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