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vin, “le Jong de la hase des montasnes qui suivent les sinuosités du rivage.*"

He thus used the word * rivage “as eqnivent to the word *tefte.” as used in this draft, and that fully aevords with the voderstunding of the word ttedte™ from the beginning of the controversy dawn to that time. “*Rivage™ means the part of the carth which servesx as a limit to any Kind of body of water. It is applied inditferently to the bonler of a sea. ora lake. or a viver. The word ™ vivage™ is translated *tcoust” in the rendition of this letter by Great Lritain.”

Mr, Canning, in bis letter to Sir Charles Bagot of -holy 24. L824, states that he has communicated this draft to Count Lieven with the request “*that [ix Excelleney would note any points in it upon whieh he conceived any difficulty likely to arise or ia explination likely to be necessary.” He farther stutes that he bas received the men- orandum and that there are but two points which bad struck Count Lieven as susceptible of any question.” ©

It is hardly necessary to say that the meaning of the word * céte™ was not one of the two points which had strack Connt Lieven as susceptible of any question,

It nav well We imagined that. at that stage of the proceedings, Mr. Canning would have been animzed, if Count Lieven hid asked him to explain what he meant by the use of the word * edte.” and whether or not. he meant fo confine it to such a line of const as that to which it ix now sought to be contined in the British Cuse.

Mr. Canning said in that letter:

The protection given by the convention fa the Anierican coasts of each power may (if it is thonelit necessary), be extenlel in terms to the eoa-i~ of the Rus sia Asiatic territory.

The measure of protection given by the convention to the Ameri. can coasts of Tinssin wits certainly a smire and a delustun. i it involyed their dismemberment and the destruction of the commerce with the mitives, in the nemmer that is now nrged. Instead af pro- tecting what was. as wis from the first insisted, its undisputed const. it would be transferring the sovereignty over paris of it to a mition that bad never seriously set up any claim to iW. The pro- tection given to the American const. of Russia would be quite

UR OC. Agye, 195, Nevis, Gs chp Ory

BOT. App, 90.