Page:Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu/445

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Abbott, Dr. A. C., 264, 278, 280, 281, 368
Abdominal bandage 199
Abel Pro. J. J. 128
Acetanilid 180, 301, 346
Acetic acid in pharmacy. 134, 136
Aiken, Dr. J.M. 376
Adelung, Dr. Edward Von, 326, 379
Alabama law and alcoholic prescriptions 27
Albumen 30,60,62,152,173
Alcohol, food claims 112–114, 128
Alcohol, a mocker 364,377
Alcohol, a narcotic 121,123
Alcohol, a posion 28,29,100, 105, 358, 371, 388
Alcohol, injurious to living cells 275
Alcohol, advance in study of 380
Alcohol, affinity for blood and tissues 114
Alcohol, affinity for water, 148, 149
Alcohol, and foods, action contrasted 406
Alcohol, and empty stomach 100
Alcohol, mental work 400
Alcohol, anti-spasmodic 124
Alcohol, apparent benefits; deceptive warmth from evanescent 108
Alcohol, anæsthetic and paralyzlant 120,181
Alcohol, anæsthetic effect deceptive 222,262,266
Alcohol, antipyertic 127
Alcohol, as medicine causes waste of force 83
Alcohol, as medicine diminished use 20, 53–57
Alcohol, as medicine, need of popular education regarding 297
Alcohol, as medicine, opposition to by W. C T. U., 21–27
Alcohol, causes disease 28–36
Alcohol, as sedative 127
Alcohol, as tonic 124,126
Alcohol, beginning of scientific study. 11
Alcohol, a cause of Bright's disease 34,91
Alcohol, causes malnutrition 284
Alcohol, craving 140
Alcohol, delusion that it "supports" 294
Alcohol, depressent 150, 178
Alcohol, dangerous in pneumonia 201
Alcohol, difference in action from carbohydrates and fats 403
Alcohol, diminishes arterial pressure 119, 120
Alcohol, effect on respiration, 263, 266
Alcohol, experiments, 11, 15, 62,
Alcohol, 65, 80, 93, 101, 119, 120, 149, 200, 266, 267, 268, 275, 279, 288, 392–405, 421
Alcoholic diseases ascribed to other causes 33
Alcoholic drink, no danger in sudden stopping 293
Alcoholic drinks, stories of life sustained on 112
Alcoholic dyspepsia 63
Alcoholic proprietary medicines, 299–334
Alcohol, medical use bulwark of liquor-traffic, 96, 97, 360, 361
Alcohol, medical use causes death 260
Alcohol, medical use delays recovery 115
Alcohol, medical use evidence against 336–391
Alcohol, medical life result of habit and tradition, 292, 294, 295, 208, 378
Alcohol, medical use, Toledo Blade on 358
Alcohol, medical use, mortality increased by, 247–261, 267
Ammonia 40,188
Anæsthesia 119, 120
Anæmia 141
Anders, Dr. Howard S. 370
Angina pectoris 181, 182
Anthrax 281, 282
Alcoholism 36, 111