Page:Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu/447

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Children, per cent, of deaths of those of abstaining and drinking parents 397, 398
Chills 146
Chittenden, Prof 93, 403
Chloral, 127, 138, 190, 275, 332, 353
Chlorodyne 127
Chloroform, 119, 120, 121, 270, 353
Cholera 35, 147–152, 257, 258
Cholera infantum 152, 153
Cholera morbus 152
Christian Advocates, The, and patent medicines 26
Christison, Prof 34
Cincinnati Hospital 254
Circulation 76, 77, 184–186
Claret 120, 177, 419
Clark, Dr. Alonzo 336
Clark, Sir Andrew 35, 101
Clinique, The 180
Coal-tar drugs 75, 180, 192, 339, 340
Coca wines 319–324
Coca Cola 427
Cocaine, 300, 319–325, 345–351, 427
Cod-liver oil, fraudulent preparations 314
Coffee 40, 141, 194, 236
Cohen, Dr. S. S 365
Cold, as a heart stimulant, 184–186
Cold, as tonic 325
Cold, pack 186
Cold, treatment for pneumonia, 202
Colds, cause and treatment 146
Colic 147
Collier, Dr. Wm. 372
Collier's Weekly and nostrums, 26
Collins, Dr. 157
Coloring matter in wines arrests digestion 176
Coma from waste retention 115
Committee of Fifty 19, 128, 279
Committee on Pharmacy 314, 315, 316
Condi, Dr., nursing mothers 236
Constipation 146
Consumption 153–162, 326
Convalescence and alcohol, 292, 294
Convulsions 147, 179
Cook County Hospital, 54, 159, 253
Cordials in dyspepsia 176
Cough medicines 310- 312
Cough simple remedies, 146, 147, 162
Cramps 179
Cream, substitute for cod-liver oil, 160, 314
Crothers, Dr. T. D., 120, 131, 183, 218, 345, 390
Cures for inebriety 329, 414

Deaths from alcohol 28, 83, 87
Deaths from alcoholic diseases ascribed to other causes 31–34
Death-rates, comparative, 75, 85, 347-261, 267
Death-rates,lowered by non-alcoholic treatment 37, 46, 219
Debility 171, 172
Davis, Dr. Nathan S., Sr., 11, 12, 29–31, 45, 66, 75, 80–82, 91–95, 107, 112, 117, 118, 125, 128, 178, 193, 217, 219, 244, 253, 262, 267, 289, 294, 358–360
De Garmo, Prof. 366
Delearde, Dr., Pasteur Institute 279, 284
Delirium tremens 388
Depression of spirits 172, 179
Diabetes 88, 89
Diarrhoea 172
Digestion 106, 155–157
Digestive organs, injured 389
Digitalis 128, 135
Diphtheria 75, 85, 272
Diseases of women 430
Diseases non-alcohol treatment, 140–233
Distilled liquors, composition 117
Doan's Pills 315
Dodson, Dr. John M. 423
Dogbite 211
Dock, Dr. George 365, 371
Douches 164, 431
Drowning 193, 194
"Drugging" 335–355
Drug habits formed by patent medicines 301
Drugs, medical opinions of, 336–338
Druggists' resolutions against whiskey drug-stores 27
Druggists Circular 8, 429
Druggists, liquor selling by 139
Drunkards made in infancy 311
Drunkards 126, 350
Drysdale, Dr 372
Dubois, experiments 119
Dysentery 172, 173
Dysmenorrhea 431
Dyspepsia 65, 127, 173–177

Edmunds, Dr., 37, 38, 183, 238–243
Edsall, Dr. David L. 374
Epilepsy 32, 36, 178
Erysipelas 74, 388
Eshner, Dr. A. A. 364
Exhaustion 178

Fainting and faintness, 177, 178, 180, 181
Fatigue 178, 320, 430