Page:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu/20

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important affairs; when he ſhall arrive, going and comming to the places of your command, by ſea, or by land in our Ports, our Cities under our Caſtles, and in any other place whatſoever, I command you to receive with all affection, and good reception, and ſuffer no diſpleaſure to be done to him, directly or indirectly. You ſhall cauſe to be given to him whatſoever ſhall be neceſſary for him in paying, and ſhall facilitate with your whole power his paſſage, with his two ſervants, his coffers, and baggage; and when he ſhall have performed in France what hath been commanded him, and ſhall return to our moſt Auguſt Port, you ſhall do in like manner, and ſhall be careful not to violate this our High command, or capitulations; Thus know him, and having ſeen theſe my moſt Auguſt command, you ſhal leave it in his hands, and ſhal give ful and intire credit to this my moſt illuſtrious mark.

Given at Conſtantinople the laſt day of the moneth of Diel Heget, 1041. Sealed above with the Mark, or the Seal of the grand Seignior, Amurat Sultan, and Signed at Baſe-Huſſein.
