Page:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu/30

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The Alcoran of Mahomet.
Chap. 2.


The Chapter of the Cow, containing Two hundred fourſcore and ſeven Verſes, written at Mecca.
See Erpenius his Grammer. IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. I am the moſt wiſe God. There is no Error in this Book; it guideth into the right way; thoſe that are righteous, who believe what they ſee not, who make their Prayers with affection, and diſpence in Alms, a part of the Goods that we have given them. Such as believe the things that are inſpired into thee, in thoſe that have been Preached before thee, and at the end of the world are not ignorant they are guided by their Lord, and ſhall be bleſſed. Miſery is upon unbelievers, Whether thou reprove them, or do not reprove them, they will not be converted, God hath ſhut up their heart, their ears and eyes, and they ſhall ſuffer great torments. See the Explication of Gelaldin. Many men ſay, we believe in God and the Day of Judgment, and do not believe; they think to deceive God, and then that believe in God; certainly they deceive themſelves, and know it not. God will augment the infirmity which they have in their heart, and they ſhall undergo the rigors of an infinite pain, by reaſon of their lying. When it was ſaid to them, Pollute not the earth, they ſaid, We are the true obſervers of the Law of God; notwithſtanding, they were they that polluted the earth, but they knew it not. When it was ſaid to them, Believe ye as the world believeth? They ſaid, Shall we believe as fools believe? they themſelves are fools, and know it not. See Gelaldin.When they met with ſuch as believe in God, they ſaid, We believe as you do: And when they returned towards the devils, their companions, they ſaid, We believe as you, and mock at thoſe men: Certainly God mocketh them, and continueth them in their Errors, to their confuſion. They that have purchaſed Error, for the right way, have gained nothing in their commerce, and are not well directed; they are like to ſuch as kindled fire, and when it hath enlightened what is about them, God hath deprived them of light, and left them in darkneſs, deaf, dumb, blinde, and they
