Page:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu/446

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converſion, or perverſion rather, of Chriſtians to their irreligious Religion, they pray heartily, and every day in their Temples, that Chriſtlans may imbarte the Alcoran, and become their Proſolytes, in effecting of which they leave no means unaſſaied by fear and flattery, by puniſhments and rewards; now, is it fitting that they in charity and zeal ſhould exceed us? we are bound to pray, and indeavor heartily for their converſion, from darkneſs to light from error to truth; but how ſhall we do this, if we, know not the dangerous and damnable eſtate they are in, which we cannot know but by reading their Alcoran?

15. In reading the Alcoran we ſhall ſee what is the force of ſuperſtition, and with what, violence men are carried headlong in the defence and maintenance even of the moſt abſurd and impious opinions; what Hecuba is more deformed then the Alcoran? yet how do the Turks fight and ſtruggle, toil and care, hazard life and liberty, eſtates and all for it, as if it were the moſt beautiful Helena in the world! theſ men cannot endure the Image of Chriſt, or of a Saint in their Temples, calling this Idolatry, and yet they are the greateſt idolaters in the world themſelves, for never was there ſuch, an Idol as the Alcoran, mo man muſt touch it, till first he be waſhed, and that being done, he muſt not touch it with his naked hands, but with a clean linen cloth; the Priest muſt kiſs it, and bow to it; he muſt when he reads in it hold it up on high, for it is a ſin to hold it lower then his girdle: Every piece of paper that a Turk findes he muſt uſe reverendly, becauſe, the Alcoran is written in paper, the Mule that carries it to Mecca is held in great veneration, ſo that he or Jſe is ſanctified all the year after that can but touch him, and that handkerchief which wipeth off his ſweat is a holy relique: thus do they ſtrain at a gnat and ſwallow a Camel.

Rev. 20.16. In reading the Alcoran & Turkiſh Story, we ſhall ſee who were Gog and Magog that made war againſt the Saints, even
