Page:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu/9

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To the Chriſtian Reader.

the Devils, and the like) are falſe and ridiculous. Yet is the whole eſteemed ſp ſacred, that upon the Cover thereof is inſcribed--Let none touch it but he who is clean. Not are the vulgar permitted to read it, but live and die in an implicite faith of what their Prieſts deliver; which indeed (as faith the learned Grotius) is a manifeſt argument of Grotius de ver. Rel. Chriſt. its iniquity: For that merchandiſe may juſtly be ſuſpected, which will not be ſold, unleſs unſeen: and though all men are not alike perſpicacious in the knowledg, and diſcerning of things, ſome by arrogancy, and vain conceit of themſelves, others by affection; Some by cuſtome, being drawn into error: yet ſhould we believe that the way to eternall life cannot be underſtood by them, who without any reſpect of profit or preferment, ſeek it, ſubmitting themſelves, withall they have, to God, imploring his aſsiſtance, we ſhould ſin againſt his infinite goodneſs. Therefore (Chriſtian Reader) though ſome, conſcious of their own inſtability in Religion, and of theirs (too like
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