Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/197

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deiltreadh, gilding, lacquering; *deilt-rad, from †deilt, separation, root del of dealaich?

deimheis, a shears; see deamhais.

deimhinn, certain, Ir. deimhin, O. Ir. demin, demnithir, certius, *demeni-, I. E. root dhê, set, fix, dhemen-, setting, Gr. θέμεναι, set, θέμα, a pledge, theme, θέμις, law, "something laid down"; Eng. doom, deem; etc.

déine, eagerness; see dian.

deir, a deir, says (said), inquit, Ir. deirim, O. Ir. adbeir, dicit; deir is the root-accented fort (*ad-bérô) of abair (the prepositional accuented form, *ád-berô). See abair. The a of a deirim belongs to the ad-, while the d of it takes the place of b in the root (ber).

déirc, alms, so Ir., M. Ir. déarc, desheirc, O. Ir. dearc, deircc, desercc (caritas), for de-shercc; see searc, love.

deireadh, end, so Ir., O. Ir. dered, O. G. derad (Bk.of Deer): *der-vedo-n, root ved as in déidh, q.v.? Ascoli suggests that der is the basis, the opposite of er, front, from the proposition air (*pare). Hence deireas, injury.

déis, an déis, after, so Ir., O. Ir. di éis, retro, O. G. daneis, after them (di-an-éis), O. Ir. éis, footstep, track, *in-sti, root sto, sta, stand, Lat. instare? Strachan gives the stem as *encsi-, from eng, footstep, as in eang, q.v.; Stokes takes it from *pend-ti, root ped, as in eadh, Eng. foot.

deis-dé, a sanctuary, halting place, halt (Wh.); dess dé, "God's right hand" (K.Meyer in "King Eochaid").

deisciobul, a disciple, Ir. deisciobal, O. Ir. descipul, W. dysgybl, Br. diskibil; from Lat. discipulus.

deise, a suit of clothes; from deas. Ir., M. Ir. deise, a robe; E. Ir. deis, entourage of chief. Cf. for meaning Eng. suit.

déiseag, a slap; see deillseag.

deiseil, southward, sun-ward, E. Ir. dessel; from deas and sel (*svel), W. chwyl. See deas and seal.

deismireach, curious; see deasmaireas.

déistinn, déisinn, disgust, Ir. déistion, edge (set the teeth on edge), disgust. Cf. M. Ir. déistiu, refuse of everything, posterity, from déis?

deithneas, deithneamhach, etc.; from déine, from dian.

deò, breath, Ir. deó in gu deo, ever, *dveso-; I. E. dhves, breathe; W. dywy? Lit. dvėsti, breath, dvásė, spirit, breath, Russ. dvochati; Gr. θεός, god (= θεσ-ός); M.H.G. getwâs, ghost.

deoch, a drink, Ir. deoch, g. dighe, O. Ir. deug, g. dige, *degu-. To degu- Bezzenberger cfs. Lit. dażýti, dip, wet, tinge. W.