Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/245

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fo, under, Ir., O. Ir. fo, W. go-, O. W. guo-, Cor. go-, Cor., Bret. gou-, Gaul. vo-: *vo, for *u(p)o; I. E. upo; Gr. ὑπό; Lat. s-ub; Got. uf; Skr. upa, hither.

, brink (Carm.):

fobhannan (fòthannan), a thistle, Ir. fóbhthán, fóthannán, E. Ir. omthann, *omo-tanno-, "raw or rough twig"? See amh and caorrunn. Dial. fonntan (Arran).

focal, word; see facal.

fochaid, scoffing, Ir. fochmhuid, fochuidbheadh, M. Ir. fochmaid, E. Ir. fochuitbiud, *fo-con-tib-, root teb, smile, O. Ir. tibiu, laugh; Lit. stebiü*s, be astonished.

fochair, presence, am fochar, coram, Ir., M. Ir. fochair: *fo-char, car being cor, put.

fochann, young corn in the blade, Ir. fochan, M. Ir. fochon; *vo-kuno? Root kun, ku, increase, Gaul. cuno-, high, etc. See curaidh.

fód, a peat, turf, Ir. fód, O. Ir. fót: *vonto-?

fodar, fodder, Ir. fodar; from the Eng. fodder.

fògair, expel, banish, Ir. fógair, command, proclaim, O. Ir. fócairim (do.), fócre, monitio: *fo-od-gar-; root gar of goir.

fogh, quiet, careless (Stew.):

foghail, a hostile incursion, Ir. foghail, E. Ir. fogal; *fo-gal: root gal, valour, war. See gal.

foghail, fòghail, noise, bustle, merriment; for first sense, see foghair, for second, see othail.

foghainteach, valorous, Ir. fóghainteach, good, fit, serviceable, fóghaint, ability: "capable"; from foghainn, suffice. See fòghnadh. Ir. foghaintidhe, a servant.

foghair, a sound, tone, so Ir., O. Ir. fogur, sonus: *fo-gar-; root gar of goir. Strachan makes the root part fog, and refers it to fuaim, q.v.

foghar, harvest, Ir. fóghmhar, M. Ir. fogamur, autumn, E. Ir. fogamur, fogomur, last month of autumn: *fo-gamur, the gamur being from the root of geamhradh, winter, q.v. The idea is "sub hiemem". Cf. W. cynauaf, harvest, O. W. kynnhaeaf, from cyn, before, and gauaf, winter.

fòghlum, learning, Ir. fóghluim, O. Ir. foglaim, vb. fogliunn: *vo-glendô, *glendô, make clear; Eng. glance, Ger. glanz, splendour; Ch. Sl. ględati, show.

fòghnadh, sufficiency, service, Ir. foghnamh, O. Ir. fognam, service; from fo and gnìomh, deed.

foichein, a wrapper, infant's clout:

foichlean, a sprout, young corn (Arm.), faichean (Arg.), Ir. foichnín; see fochann.