Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/266

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gliogram, a staggering; from gliogar, the idea being "noise-making"? Cf. Ir. glingin, drunkenness. Also G. gliogach, clumsy, unstable.

gliomach, slovenly, long-limbed fellow; cf. Ir. gliomach, a lobster.

gliong, ringing noise, Ir. glionc (O'R.); allied to, or from the Eng. clink, Teut. kling.

gliostair, a clyster; from the Eng.

gliùchd, a blubbering, crying:

gloc, the clucking of a hen, noise, loud note; Eng. clock, cluck, W. clwc; Lat. glocire; etc. Onomatopoetic.

gloc, swallow greedily, glochdan, a wide throat; from the Sc. glock, gulp, glog, swallow hastily, E.Eng. glucchen, gulchen, swallow greedily, Ger. glucken, gulken, klucken.

glochar, a wheezing, difficult respiration, Ir. glocharnach; cf. Sc. glag, glagger, make a noise in the throat as if choking, glugger, to make a noise in the throat swallowing. Allied to gloc, etc.

gloc-nid, a morning dram taken in bed; from gloc and nead.

glodhar, ravine, chasm (Kintyre); in Lewis names N. gljúfr.

glog, a soft lump, glogair, a stupid fellow: "unstable one"; from glug, gluig.

glog, a sudden, hazy calm, a dozing (M'A.):

glòic, having hanging cheeks, as in hens:

gloichd, gloidhc, gloibhc (Wh.), a senseless woman, an idiot; from the Sc. glaik.

gloin, gloine, glass; see glain.

glòir, glory, Ir., E. Ir. glóir, Br. gloar; from Lat. gloria, whence, Eng. glory.

glòir, speech, Ir. glór, E. Ir. glórach, noisy; same as glòir, glory.

glòirionn, spotted in the face (H.S.D.), drab-coloured (M'A.):

glòmadh, glòmainn, the gloaming; from the Eng.

glomhar, a muzzle, an instrument put into a lamb or kid's mouth to prevent sucking, E. Ir. glomar, bridgel; root glom, glem. Ger. klemmen, jam, M.H.G. klammer, tenaculum, Lat. glomus, a clew.

glomhas, a rock, cleft, chink:

glong, a slimy substance; root ꬶlen, be slimy, Gr. βλέννα, slime snot, O. H. G. klenan, cleave. See sglongaid.

glonn, a deed of valour, Ir. glonn, E. Ir. glond, a deed: *gl-onno-, root of gal?

glonn, loathing, qulm, Ir. glonn, E. Ir. glonn, crime: "facinus"; extended use of the above word.

glothagach, frog's spawn (Sh., O'R.):

gluais, move, Ir., E. Ir. gluaisim, O. Ir. gluas-; *gl-eusso-, from root ꬶel, Lat. volo-, fly, Gr. γάλλω? So Dr Cameron.