Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/285

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iomchuidh, proper, Ir. iomchubhaidh, M. Ir. immchubaid; from iom- and cubhaidh, q.v.

ìomhaigh, an image, Ir. iomhaigh, M. Ir. iomáig, imagin, Cor. auain; from Lat. imago.

iomlag, the navel; see imleag.

iomlaid, and exchange, Ir. iomlut; possibly from the G. root lud, go (see dol).

iomlan, whole, E. Ir. imshlán, quite whole.

iompaidh, a turning, conversion, Ir. iompógh, O. Ir. impúd, impúth, W. ymod, a turn: *imb-shouth, O. Ir. sóim, averto: *soviô, root su, sou, Lat. sucula, windlass. It has also been referred to the root sup, Lat. dissipo, Lit. supù, swing.

iomradh, fame, report, Ir. iomrádh, O. Ir. immrádud, tractatio, cogitatio; from iom- and ràdh, say.

iomrall, an error, wandering, Ir. iomrolladh, iomrulladh, E. Ir. imroll, mistake: *ambi-air-al, root al, el, go, as in iomall.

iomram, iomramh, rowing, Ir. iomramh, iomrámh (O'B.), E. Ir. immram, vb. immráim; from iom- and ràmh.

ion, fit, ion-, prefix denoting fitness, Ir. ion-, prefixed to passive participles, denotes fitness (O'D., who quotes inleighis, curable, inmheasta, believable): a particular use of in-, in-, which see. ion is iomlan, almost perfect (Hend.).

ion-, negative prefix an before b, d, g, Ir. ion-, O. Ir. in-; see an for derivation. The primitive before b, d, g. becomes in in Gadelic.

ionad, a place, Ir. ionad, ionnad; the E. Ir. has inad only, pointing to modern ionadh:iona(dh), in c'iona, c'ionadh, whether: co and ionadh or iona, E. Ir. inad, place. See above. The Modern Ir. is ca hionad.

ionaltair, a pasturing, pasture; from in- and *altair, a shorter form of altrum. Cf. for form Ir. ingilim, I pasture, from in- and gelim, I eat (root gel, as in G. goile). iomair ionailt, browsing rig (Carm.).

ionann, alike, Ir. ionnan, O. Ir. inonn, innon, inon. Possibly for *sin-ôn, *sin-sôn, "this-that"; see sin, and sôn of O. Ir. is for *sou-n, *sou, hoc, Gr. οὖ-τος (for root, see sa). Cf. for form Lat. idem = is-dem, Gr. ὁ αὐτός.

ionbhruich, broth; see eanraich.

ionga, g. ingne, pl. ìngnean, ìnean, a nail, Ir. ionga, g. iongan, O. Ir. inga, g. ingen, W. ewin, Cor. euuin, Br. ivin: *engînâ (Stokes); Lat. unguis; Gr. ὄνυξ, g. ὄνυχος; Got. nagljan, Eng. nail; Skr. nakhá. Fick gives the I. E. root as noꬶh, ṇꬶh, with stems noꬶhlo-, ṇꬶhlo-,