Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/311

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màrach, a big, ungainly woman (Arg.); from mór, with neuter termination ach. Also màraisg.

marag, a pudding, M. Ir. maróc, hilla, E. Ir. mar, sausage; from the Norse mörr, dat. mörvi, suet, blóð-mörr, black pudding.

marasgal, a master, regulator, Ir., M. Ir. marascal, regulator, marshal; from M. Eng. and O. Fr. marescal, now marshal.

marbh, dead, Ir. marbh, O. Ir. marb, W. marw, Cor. marow, Br. maro, M. Br. marv; *marvo-s, root mṛ; Lat. morior, die; Lit. mirti, die; Gr. μαραίνω, destroy; Skr. mar, die.

marc, a horse, G. and Ir. marcach, a horseman, E. Ir. marc, horse, W., Cor., Br. march, Gaul. μαρκα-ν (acc.): *marko-s, *markâ; O. H. G. marah, mare, meriha, horse, Norse marr, mare, Ag. S. mearh, Eng. mare and marshal.

marg, a merk: from the Eng. mark, Sc. merk, Norse mörk, g. markar.

margadh, a market, so Ir., M. Ir. margad, marcad, E. Ir. marggad from M. Eng. market, from Lat. mercatus.

màrla, marl, Ir. márla, W. marl; from Eng. marl. The G. has the sense of "marble" also, where it confuses this word and Eng. marble together.

marmor, marble, Ir. marmur; from Lat. marmor. A playing marble is in the G. dialects marbul, a marble.

màrrach, enchanted castle which kept one spell-bound, labyrinth, thicket to catch cattle (M'A.). Root mar, mer, deceive, as in mear, brath.

marrum, marruin, cream, milk, and their products (Carm.). Cf. marag.

màrsadh, marching, Ir. marsáil; from the Eng.

mart, a cow, Ir. mart, a cow, a beef, E. Ir. mart, a beef; hence Sc. mart, a cow killed for family (winter) use and salted, which Jamieson derives from Martinmas, the time at which the killing took place. The idea of mart is a cow for killing: *martâ, from root mar, die, of marbh?

Màrt, March, Ir. Márt, E. Ir. mairt, g. marta, W. Mawrth; from Lat. Martius, Eng. March.

martradh, maiming, laming, Ir. mairtrighim, murder, maim, martyrise, O. Ir. martre, martyrdom; from Lat. martyr, a martyr, whence Eng.

màs, the buttock, Ir. más, E. Ir. máss: *mâsto-; Gr. μήδεα, genitals, μαστός, μαζός, breast, cod, μαδάω, lose hair; Lat. madeo, be wet; root mád, mad.

mas, before, ere: see mus.

màsan, delay, Ir. masán (O'B., etc.):

masg, mix, infuse; from the Sc. mask, Swed. mäske, to mash, Fries. mask, draff, grains, Eng. mash.