Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/365

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rub, caught, Ir. rug, E. Ir. ruc, rucc, tulit, O. Ir. rouic: *ro+ucc-, where ucc = *ud-gos-a, root ges, carry, Lat. gero, gestum. See thug.

ruga, rough cloth (M'A.); from Eng. rug, M. Eng. ruggi, hairy, Swed. ruggig.

rugadh, a greedy grasping of anything; from Sc. rook, deprive of, rookit, cleared out.

rugaid, a long neck (H.S.D.):

rugair, a drunkard (H.S.D. says Dial., M'A. says N.); from the Eng. For phonetics, cf. ràc, drake.

rugha, a blush; see rather rudha, but rucce (Corm.) shame, reddening (O'Cl.).

ruic, undesirable fondness (M'D.):

ruicean, a pimple: *rud-ki-, from rud, roud, red, as in ruadh.

ruidhil, ruidhle (Arg.), a dance; see ruithil.

ruidhil, a yarn reel; from M. Eng. reel, hréol, Ag. S. hréol.

ruidhleadh, rolling; from ruith, roth.

ruidhtear, a glutton, riotous liver; from Eng. rioter.

ruididh, merry, frisky, Ir. ruidéiseach, from ruidéis, a sporting mood. Cf. ruidhtear.

ruig, half castrated ram; from Eng. rig, ridgeling.

ruig, reach, arrive at, O. Ir. riccim, riccu; from ro and iccim, for which see thig. Hence gu ruig, as far as, O. G. gonice (B. of Deer), E. Ir. corrici.

ruighe, an arm, forearm, Ir. righ, E. Ir. rig, forearm: *regit-, root reg, stretch, Lat. rego, etc. See ruigheachd.

ruighe, the outstretched part or base of a mountain, shealing ground, E. Ir. rige, rigid, a reach, reaches; from the root reg, stretch, as in the case of the foregoing words.

ruigheachd, ruighinn, reaching, arriving, Ir. righim, I reach, inf. riachdain, rochdain, E. Ir. rigim, porrigo: *regô; Lat. rego, erigo, porrigo, I stretch; Gr. ὀρέγω, stretch; further is Eng. right, etc. See éirich.

ruighean, wool-roll ready to spin; from the same rroot as ruighe.

ruinn, a point; see rinn.

ruinnse, a long stick or stake, an animal's tail, rump:

ruinnse, a rinsing, rinser; from Eng. rinse.

ruis, a rash; formed from the Eng. Cf. Lit. russus, root rud.

ruiteach, ruddy, E. Ir. rutech: *rud-tiko-, from rud, roud of ruadh. Stokes (Rev.Celt.8 366) explained it as *rudidech, but this would give G. ruideach.

ruith, run, Ir. riothaim, O. Ir. rethim, perf. ráith, inf. rith (d. riuth, W. rhedu, to run, rhed, race, Br. redek, Gaul.