Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/369

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sàmhach, quiet, Ir. sámhach (Coneys has samhach), still, pleasant, from sámh, (samh), pleasant, still, E. Ir. sám, sáme, rest, quiet, sáim, mild, quiet: *sâmo-. Possibly allied to Eng. soft, O. H. G. samfto, softly, Got. samjan, please; and the root sam of samhradh. Stokes suggests connectino with Zend hâma, like, Ch. Sl. samŭ, ipse, Norse, sömr, samr, Eng. same; or Gr. ἡμερος, tame. Cf. sàimhe.

samhail, samhuil, likeness, like, Ir. samhail, like, samhuil, likeness, simile, W. hafal, similis, O. W. amal, Corn. haval, avel, Br. haual: *samali-; Gr. ὁομαλός, like; Lat. similis; Eng. same.

samhan, savin-bush, Ir. samhán; from Eng. savin, M. Eng. saveine, Ag. S. savine, Lat. sabina.

samhnan, samhnachan, a large river trout (H.S.D., Dial.):

samhradh, summer, Ir. samhradh, sámhradh, E. Ir. samrad, sam, W., Corn. haf, M. Br. haff, Br. hanv: *samo-; Skr. sámâ, year, Zend hama, summer, Arm. am, year; further Eng. summer, Gr. ἡμέρα, day. The termination rad = rado-n (n.).

samhuinn, Hallow-tide, Ir. samhain, E. Ir. samuin, samain, samfhuin: usually regarded as for *sam-fuin, "summer-end", from sam, summer, and fuin, end, sunset, fuinim, I end, *vo-nesô, root nes, as in còmhnuidh, q.v. (Stokes). For fuin, Kluge suggests *wen, suffer (Got. winnan, suffer); Zimmer favours Skr. van, hurt (Eng. wound); and Ascoli analyses it into fo-in-. Dr Stokes, however, takes samain from the root som, same (Eng. same, Gr. ὁμός, like, Lat. simul, whence Eng. assemble; see samhuil), and makes *samani- mean "assembly" - the gathering at Tara on 1st November, while Cét-shamain, our Céitein, was the "first feast", held on 1st May.

samplair, a copy, pattern, Ir. samplair, sampla; from Eng. sampler, sample.

-san, as in esan, ipse, iadsan; see -sa.

sanas, whisper, secret, Manx sannish, whisper, Ir., E. Ir. sanas; *sanastu-, root sven; Lat. sonare, Eng. sound; Skr. svánati, to sound.

sannt, desire, inclination, Ir., O. Ir. sant, W. chwant, Cor. whans, Br. c'hoant: *svandϑtâ, desire, root svand, svad, desire, please: Gr. ἁνδάνω, please, ἡδúς, sweet; Skr. svad, relish; further Eng. sweet, etc.

saobh, erroneous, apt to err, dissimulation, Ir. saobh (adj.), O. Ir. sáib, soib, later saeb, falsus, pseudo-: *svoibo-s, turning aside, wavering, W. chwifio, turn, whirl; Eng. sweep, swoop.

saobhaidh, den of a wild beast, fox's den: