Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/397

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slod, a puddle, Ir. slod; see lod.

slòcan, sloke; from the Sc. or Eng. sloke.

sloinn, surname, Ir. sloinnim, I. name, O. Ir. slondim, name, significo, slond, significatio, O. W. islinnit, profatur, M.W. cy-stlwn, family and clan name, W. ystlyned, kindred, ystlen, sex: *stlondo-, *stlondiô, I speak, name.

sloisir, dash, beat against sea-like, daub; from Sc. slaister, bedaub, a wet liquid mass, to move clumsily through a miry road, also slestir (Badenoch Dial. sleastair, bedaub).

sluagh, people, Ir. sluagh, O. Ir. sluag, slóg, W. llu, Corn. lu, Gaul. slôgi, in Catu-slogi: *slougo-s, cf. Slav. sluga, a servant, Lit. slauginti.

sluaisreadh, act of mixing (lime, etc.) with a shovel; see next word. Cf. Eng. slubber.

sluasaid, a shovel, Ir. sluasad, a paddle, a shovel:

slug, swallow, slugadh (inf.), Ir. slugaim, E. Ir. slucim, slocim: *sluggô, root slug, lug, swallow; Ger. schlucken, to swallow, M.H.G. slucken: Gr. λúζω, λυγγαίνω, have the hiccup. W. llwnc, gullet, a gulp, llyncu, to swallow, O. Br. ro-luncas, guturicavit, m.Br. lloncaff are allied to E. Ir. longad, now longadh, eating, which is a nasalised form of the root slug, lug.

smachd, authority, correction, Ir. smachd, O. Ir. smacht, M. Ir. smachtaigim, I enjoin, smacht, fine for breaking the law: *smaktu-, from s-mag, root mag, I. E. magh, be strong; Eng. may, Got. magan, be able; Gr. μῆχος, means (see mac).

smad, a particle, jot: "spot, stain" (see smod). From Sc. smad, smot, a stain, Eng. smut. Ir. has smadán, soot, smut. Cf. also M. Ir. smot, a scrap, Ir. smotán, a block, W. ysmot, patch, spot.

smàd, threaten, intimidate, boast:

smàg, smòg, a paw; see smòg.

smal, dust, spot, blemish, Ir. smál, smól; root smal, mal (smel, mel), Lit. smálkas, dust, smėlynas, sand field, smelalis, sand, Lettic smelis, water sand, Got. málma, sand, Norse melr, sand hill, Eng. mole.

smàl, snuff a candle, Ir. smál, embers, snuff of candle; cf. the above word.

smalag, the young saith or cuddie:

smaoin, think; see smuain.

smarach, a lad, a growing youth (Badenoch); root smar, from mar, mer, Gr. μεῖραζ, boy, Skr. maryakás, a mannie, máryas, young man, Lit. marti, bride; also W. morwyn, girl, merch,