Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/405

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spagach, uttering words indistinctly, spagadh, obliquity of the mouth, spaig, a wry mouth:

spagluinn, ostentation, conceit:

spaid, a spade, Ir. spád; from the Eng.

spaideil, foppish, well-dressed: "strutting", from Lat. spatior, as in spaisdear below? Cf., however, spadair.

spailp, pride, conceit, spailpean, fop, Ir. spailp, spailpín, rascal, mean fellow, "spalpeen":

spàin, a spoon, Manx spain; from norse spánn, spónn, spoon, chip, M. Eng. spōn, Ag. S. spón, chip. Ir. spúnóg, spoon, is from the Eng.

spàirn, an effort, struggle, Ir. spáirn, sbáirn, wrestling, struggling; from the Norse sporna, kick with the feet, struggle, sperna, kick, spurn, Eng. spurn. Hennessey derived it from Eng. sparring (Athenœum, 15/8/71).

spairiseach, foppish, spairis, having the hands in the trousers' pockets (M'A.); founded on Sc. spare, opening of the fore part of the breeches.

spairt, a turf, clod, a splash, Ir. spairt; verb spairt, daub, plaster, splash, brain, Ir. spairtim: cf. N. sparða, pole-axe, whence M. Eng. spert or spart.

spaisdear, spaidsear, a saunterer, spaisdeireachd, sauntering, Ir. spaisdeóireachd, promenading, walking; Norse spázera, walk, Dan. spadsere, Ger. spazieren, from Ital. (13th Cent.), spaziare: all from Lat. spatior, walk, promenade.

spàl, a shuttle, Ir. spól; from Norse spóla, a weaver's shuttle, M. Eng. spōle, now spool, Ger. spule, bobbin, spool. Hence spàlag, pea pod.

spang, thin plate of metal, spangle; from Norse spöng, g. spangar, a spangle, M. Eng. spang, now spangle, Ag. S. spange, a clasp, Ger. spange, buckle.

spann, sever, divide, wean (a child); from Sc. spain, spane, wean, prevent, confused with M. Eng. spannen, stretch, span.

spann, a hinge, hasp; from the Eng. spang, a spangle, Ag. S. spang, a hasp; or Ag. S. spannan, to clasp, Norse spenna, spennir, grasper, Sc. spenn, to button.

spaoill, speill, wrap, swathe: *svil, *sveil, as in till, etc.

spàrdan, a roost, from spàrr.

spàrr, a joist, beam, roost, Ir. sparra, wedge, spear, E. Ir. sparr, a beam, joist; from Norse sparri, a spar, Swed., Dan. sparre, O. H. G. sparro, bar, balk, Ger. sperren, a spar, Eng. spar. Hence G. spàrr, drive as a nail or sedge, thrust, Ir. sparraim; G. sparrag, a bridgle bit, "little bar".

spathalt, a limb, a clumsy libm; cf. spoll.