Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/409

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spoth, geld, castrate, Ir. spothaim, M. Ir. spochad (n.), W. dysbaddu, Br. spaza; from Lat. spado, eunuch, whence Eng. spay. The M. Ir. spochad is thought by Stokes to be from Br. spac'hein (inf.).

spracadh, strength, sprightliness, Ir. spracadh; from Eng. sprack, lively, Norse spraekr, lively, Swed. spräker; from Norse also comes Eng. spark - Norse sparkr.

spraic, a sever reprimand; see spreig.

spraidh, a loud blast, report of a gun; cf. Sc. spraich, a cry, Norse spraki, a report.

spreadh, burst, sound loudly while bursting, kill, Ir. spréidhim, spread, burst (spreighim, O'B.), E. Ir. sprédaire, brush for sprinkling the holy water; from M. Eng. spraeden, now spread.

spreangan, a cloven stick for closing the wound of bled cattle; from Eng. springe, twig, rod, snare with flexible rod.

spréidh, cattle, Ir. spré(idh), M. Ir. spré, spreid, W. praidd, flock, booty; from Lat. praeda, booty. Hence Sc. spreith, booty.

spreig, blame, reprove, incite, Ir. spreagaim; founded on M. Eng. spraechen, now speak, Ger. sprechen.

spreigh, scatter, burst; see spreadh.

spreill, blubber lip: *s-breill, from breall?

spreisneach, the remains of a wreck:

spreòchan, weakness, weak person; from *s-breòch-, being the same in root as breòclaid?

spreòd, spreod (H.S.D.), a projecting beam, crann spreòid, a bow-sprit; from M. Eng. sprēot, a sprit, now sprit; Ag. S. spréot, M.Du. spriet. Hence spreòd, incite.

sprochd, dejection, sadness, Ir. sprochd: *s-broc, M. Ir. broc, sorrow, anxiety (also sbrog). Cf. murcach for root; or bròn?

sprogan, sprogaill, dewlap, bird's crop, Ir. sprogaille, sbrogaill, also sgroban, sgrogul, neck: *s-broggo-. See bràghad.

spronnan, a crumb; from pronn.

sprot, single stick (Lewis): N. sproti, stick.

spruan, brushwood, firewood, Ir. spruán: *s-bruan, from bruan. M'A. has sprudhan, fragments.

sprùdan, fingers, sprouts; from the Eng. sprout.

spruileach, spruidhleach, crumbs, fragments, Ir. spruille(ach), crumb, fragment, sprudhaille (Lh.), M. Ir. sbruileach. Cf. spruan. M. Ir. has also spuirech, fragmentum, W. ysbwrial, sweepings, ysborion, refuse of fodder.

spruiseil, spruce, neat, Ir. sprúiseamhuil; from the Eng. spruce.

spruithean, claw (as of eagle):

spuaic, crown of the head, a pinnacle, callosity, blister, Ir. spuaic, a welt, callus, pinnacle: