Page:Alexander and Dindimus (Skeat 1878).djvu/66

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& many lud by hure lay · hur lust to ful-fille.
564Many men vp-on molde · made hue[1] by alithe
To haunte hure in hordom · hur hole lif-time.
Ye imitate her Of hure tenful tach · ȝe taken ensample,
& ay wilnen hire wone · in werkus to fonde!

How he spareþ not alixandre, to telle him of his gouerance.
[ A picture IV.]

568Ye are all unjust. Alle ȝe vsen vnrith · and aftur þat wirchen;
Ȝe ben luþur of ȝour lif · & lawus ȝe chaunge.
Of more make ȝe auaunt · þan ȝe mow forþen;
Ye esteem flatterers. Wis holde ȝe no whi · but ȝif he wel conne
572Faire tempren his tounge · his tale to schew.
Miche matere of wit · minegeþ ȝour tounge;
But beture holde y a burn · þat bereþ him al stille
Ȝe geduren ȝou gret won · of gol & of siluer,
576Ye like to have many servants & miche likus ȝou lache · lordliche holdeus,
& siþen many seruantis · ȝou-silue to abowe,
To be ketture y-kid · þan any kouþ peple.
& ȝit y liue þat ȝe liue · þorou lasse fode
580Þan oþur seggus þat semen · simple [in] mirthe.
Of richesse & of renoun · romme be ȝe kidde,
& ben baldere y-wist · þan any burn elles;
But oure kinde konninge · ȝou ouure-comeþ nouþe
584We surpass you in all things. In alle dedus þat ȝe don · in ȝoure daies time.
We witen, weies, ful wel · þat ȝe were alle

permittis homines in sua viuere libtertate, sed illos in seruitutem redigis et retorques. Recta iudicia minime iudicas. Leges indicis commutari. Bona dicis, et ipsa nullatenus imitaris nec operaris. Neminem reputas sapientem nisis loquendi hababat facundiam. Omnem sensum in lingua tua habes, et tota sapientia in ore tuo consistit. Aurum diligis, domos maximas construis, et habere peroptas copiam seruitorum. Intantum manducas et bibis, quod stomachus nimia perturbatione concussus in varias egritudines commutatur, et sic ante tempus mortis periculum sustentas. Omnia vis tenere, deinde omnia tenent te vt seruum. Sola Bragmanorum scientia vniuerse sapiente

  1. MS. 'hure'