Page:Ali Baba, or, The forty thieves (2).pdf/15

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                    After considering what she could possibly,
                    do for a light, she recollected the thirty
                    eight jars in the yard, and determined to
                    take a little oil out of one of them for her
                    lamp. She took her oil-pot in her hand,
                    and approaching the first jar, the robber
                    within said, “Is it time captain?" , Any
                    other slave, perhaps, on hearing a man in
                    an oil jar, would have screamed out; but
                    the prudent Morgiana instantly recollected
                    herself and replied softly, No, not yet, lie
                    still till I call you. She passed on to each
                    of the jars, receiving the same question and
                    giving the same answer, till she arrived at
                    the last, which was full of oil.
                      Morgiana was now convinced that this
                    was a plot of the robbers to murder her
                    master Ali Baba; so she ran back the
                    kitchen, and brought out a large kettle,
                    which she filled with oil, and set it on a
                    great wood fire; and as soon as it boiled,
                    she went and poured into the jars sufficient
                    of the boiling oil to kill every man within
                      Having done this, she put out her fire
                    and lamp, and crept softly to her chamber.
                      The captain of the robbers hearing, every
                    thing quiet in the house, and perceiving no
                    light any where, arose and went down into
                    the yard to assemble his men. Coming to
                    the first jar, he felt the steams of the boiling