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Spaniſh Lies.

pleaſing was this newes vnto the Spaniard, that there was preſent comandement giuen to publiſh the letter in Print, that all the people of Spaine might be partakers of this common ioy: The which letter Printed in Cyuill, bearing date the xv, of May, 1596. came to the hands of Henrie Sauile Eſquire who being employed in that ſeruice for the weſt Indies, and Captaine of her Maiefties good Shippe the Aduenture, vnder the conduct of Sir Fraunces Drake, and Sir Iohn Hawkins, Hath cauſed the ſaid Printed letter to bee tranſlated into Engliſh. And that the impudencie of the Spaniſh Generall may the more plainely appeare, the ſaid Henrie Sauile doth anſwere particularly to euerie vntruth in the ſame letter contained, as heereafter followeth.