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Spaniſh Lies.
courſe: The Marchants Shippes with other ſmall veſſels being without the Queenes Shippes ſhot when they ſaw opportunitie: After the enemie finding no good to be done, (being well beaten) fell from vs, the Aduenture, playing vppon them with her great Ordinaunce, madeThe Spaniſh Viceadmiral can witneſſe, what ſucceſſ they had in this fight. three of the laſt ſhot at them: Their Viceadmiral with diuers others of their Ships, were ſo beaten, that they left off the fight, and were forced to lye in the winde, for that they durſt not lye of either board by reaſon of their many and great Leakes, which they had receiued by our greate ſhot. The Generall with the reſt of their fleete, tacking about fell in our wake, thinking; to get the winde, which in theThe Engliſh Admirall carried his Creſet light, notwithſtanding the enemie was vppon hiſ brode ſide. beginning we ſought to hinder. But our General ſeeing that in holding the winde we ſhould ſhoote our ſelues into the Bay, gaue them the winde. All that night they kept themlelues vppon our broade ſide notwithſtanding our Admirall carryed his Creſſet light all night: hauing greate