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A Libell of

Nauie, and alſo hauing peruſed Captaine Henry Sauile his anſweres vnto the ſix exceptions in the Generals letter with his diſcourſe of the manner of our fight with the Spaniſh ſleete, do ſay, that the ſaid Henry Sauile hath anſwered the letter, and ſet downe the order of the fight ſincerely according to truth for teſtimonie of which I haue hereunto ſet my hand.

And if Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Auellaneda the General ſhal take any exceptions to this my approbation, or ſtand in the iuſtification of his lying letter written to Doctor Peter Flores, Preſident of the Contraction houſe for the Indies, and by him for Bernaldinoes glorie lately put in Printe: I then ſaye that heefalſe-