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Spaniſh Lies:


Sacke of Gales, diſcourſing the fight in
the Weſt Indies, twixt the Engliſh Nauie
being fourteene Ships and Pinaſſes, and
a fleete of twentie ſaile of the king
of Spaines, and of the death
of Sir Francis Drake.

With an anſwere briefely confuting the
Spaniſh lies, and a ſhort Relation of the fight according
to truth, written by Henrie Sauile Eſquire,
employed Captaine in one of her Maieſties
Shippes, in the ſame ſeruice againſt
the Spaniard.

And alſo an Approbation of this diſcourſe, by Sir
Thomas Baskeruile then Generall of the Engliſh fleete in that ſeruice:
Auowing the maintenance thereof, perſonally in
Armes againſt Don Bernaldino, if hee ſhall take
exceptions to that which is heere
ſet downe,

Touching the fight twixt both Nauies, or
iuſtifie that which he hath moſt falſely reported
in his vaine Printed letter.

Prouerb. 19. ver. 9.

A falſe witnes ſhall not bee unpuniſhed, and he that
ſpeaketh lies ſhall periſh.


Printed by Iohn Windet, dwelling by Pauls Wharfe
at the ſigne of the Croſſe Keyes, and
are there to be ſolde. 1596.