Page:Alice Riggs Hunt - Facts About Communist Hungary (1919).djvu/17

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consumption being halved. In addition the maize, barley and grain of different kinds are regularly directed to one of the three mills, and the necessity of changing machinery, for grinding is obviated. Generally speaking they are shutting down inefficient plants, and the labour thus dislocated gets unemployed relief until jobs can be found. As we are short of agricultural workers, and need soldiers for the red army this unemployment lasts only a short time and consequently is not expensive to tho community."

"The intellectual work of tho factories, such as designing machinery, making chemical tests of materials and laboratory work, is now centralised, so that the best experts may be obtained at tho higest wages, and all results may be available to all branches of the work. Patents are abolished, but there are government departments where inventions are investigated."


"The third stop in the work of socialising production is the organization of councils of representatives from the controlling councils from each factory. This links up the workman in the factory to his entire industry. The individual workman elects his factory controlling council, which in turn elects representatives to the Trade Control Council. The Trade Control Council in its turn elects representatives to the Production Trade Council, which is representative of all trades and industries, and works under the elected Commissary of Social Production who is the Government's representative."


"Closely connected with the control of production," continued Renyi, "is the control of the sale of the products. This is accomplished, first by limiting the possibility of wealthy people buying, and secondly by limiting the amount of money wealthy people may draw from their accounts in the socialised banks. The first step is accomplished by socialising all shops employing more than ten persons, and organizing them into central distributing centres in each district as Government Stores. No one can buy anything from these stores without a signed permit from the Council of Social Production in his or her district, stating that the article is needed. This is done